As Salty just commented, the PC type LCD screen is not suitable for cockpit use. Not only for daytime viewing, but night viewing
as well. Marine screens will preserve your night vision because black is truly black. It is easy to test this by turning on an LCD
screen of your choice, do not display anything. Then turn off all sources of light. You will be amazed at how much glow there is.
"Gem" wrote in message ...
Hi from bonny Scotland
Anyone looked at connecting up a 12v lcd screen or equivalent to their laptop /pc? I was looking at a chart plotter but the cost
of one with the functionality and screen size I want is pretty large and since I already have a laptop with expensive digital
charts and ais etc., etc. on it and "only" require a repeat of functions to the cockpit. This is mainly to avoid having to
clamber below and back at critical piloting points. The laptop is not marinised.
Looking at approx 12 inch screen eg:
Any ideas / alternative notions?
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