Please Join Monday Phone-In To Capitol.
On Mar 22, 8:26*am, climber wrote:
On Mar 21, 9:18*pm, (charles bash) wrote:
The Sunday Amnesty rally went off as planned; It was confined to the
Washington Mall between 7th streets and 14th streets. if you are
familiar with DC.,. Therefore kept 7 blocks away from the Capito;l
building ,,. *And now comes the follow-up by API fans ,,, ,,, . *
And the supporters of several other "activist" oganizations that I
identified in post 19 March,, as opposing the Aims of the Amnesty Now
demonstrating crowd..
Anytime on Monday after about 9:30 AM, please pick up your telephone or
cell phone and telephone *the *Washiington, DC offices of your 2
Senators and Representative.
Deliver to the 'intern' who answers, in each case, your Short,, Sweet
telephone message,, such as.. "We can not to;erate another amnesty of
millions of illegal aliens in this country while wee have 15 millions of
Americans unemployed and 25 millions of americans under employed!,
and looking for work!"
You could also mention the Federal Govm't issuing 125,000 *"green cards"
a month to "newcomers" to add to our work force also competing for such
jobs as may become *available,
Washington Capitol switchboard::
202-224-3121 and *202-225-3121
Toll Frees that may have Shelf Life::
Just ask for your congress person by name and // or *state,, and you
will be connected. If the phones are "ringin' off the hook" you might
have to wait several minutes to be connected to their offices. The
office phones might also "Be Busy Now!! * * ~ just do it ~
* * *C. Bash
climber- Hide quoted text -
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I intend to email my Senator, Claire McCaskill ,and thank her for
being a pushy broad and speaking up to the idiot Republicans.