Wanted: info on North Atlantic crossing via Greenland
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Brian Whatcott
Posts: n/a
Wanted: info on North Atlantic crossing via Greenland
For what it's worth, this is reminiscent of the "Stepping Stones"
route to Europe for light aircraft. It keeps the distance between
landings down to where a light airplane with long range tanks can
contemplate the crossing.
Brian Whatcott
On 25 Jan 2004 03:20:11 GMT,
(Leonard H. Tower Jr.)
Hi All,
My Dad is looking for information from small boat owners and others on
crossing the North Atlantic via Greenland this Summer.
He has a 70 foot Tolleycraft (sp?) trawler, and wants to go from New
England in the USA to Newfoundland to Labrador to Greenland to Iceland
to the Faroes (sp?) to the Shetlands, then Europe.
If you have done some or all of this cruising, or can put us in touch
with someone who has, he would appreciate the chance to e-mail/phone
Please e-mail me any replies. I'll post a summary of anything
thanx either way -len
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