Democrats are now shooting at Republican congressmen
On Mar 25, 1:44*pm, jps wrote:
On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 10:36:53 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch
Republican Eric Cantor's office was shot at last night. *Cantor voted
against Obamacare. *How much violence do we have to put up with from
Dems. *Will Obama fanatic kill more of their opponents? *I blame their
extremist rhetoric such as Courtland Malloy's rant in the WAPo where
he said he wanted to knock the teeth out of Obamacare opponents.
I believe the rest of the USA needs protection from the insanity of
Obamafanaticism before they kill more.
Uh oh, white supremecists hunting Jews again?
Extremist rhetoric from the left. *That sounds right. *Yup.
Obamacrats are totally out of control. Republican Congresswoman jean
Schmidt was threatened via e-mail. Obamathugs are running wild
shooting at Republicans and threatening others.