Democrats are now shooting at Republican congressmen
On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 12:18:44 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch
There is no doubt that the left has been far more violent than the
right lately. ACORN was finally found GUILTY of election fraud (not
just voter registration fraud) in the 2008 election in MN.
which is not violence
and your poster boy is tim mcveigh. how many kids did he kill?
conspired repeatedly to import children as sex slaves to support Dem
candidates. Black Panthers threatened people in PA during the 20098
election. Gladney was beat up by SEIU thugs and called the N word.
Amy Bishop the crazed Obamaphile not only conspired to use bombs on
her opponents but she finally killed several of them. The anti-Bush
wacko in Austin flew his plane into a building. Cantor's office was
shot at, Schmidt was threatened. How much violence should we put up
with from the left?
9 dems are getting police protection from you guys.
Meanwhile, Dems accuse tea partiers of racial epitheths yet the video
and audio of the incident shows nothing but Barney Frank calling
people names to which they respond in kind. The left has become so
violent as the be a danger to us all.
and the mccain supporter in pittsburgh who said she was attacked by a
black obama supporter.
she lied. just like the rest of them
you guys worship mcveigh