The few, the proud, the Republicans
Proud of your Confederate ancestry?
Proud of slavery?
Proud of segregation?
Proud of Jim Crow?
Proud of lynchings?
Proud of forcing people to the back of the bus because of their skin color?
Proud of “separate but equal”?
Proud of separate drinking fountains?
Proud of segregated lunch counters?
Proud of firebombing churches, killing little girls?
Proud of the cowardly assassination of Medgar Evers?
Proud of the murder of civil rights workers?
Proud of the Ku Klux Klan?
Proud of campaigns of terror and intimidation?
Proud of burning crosses?
Proud of the assassination of Martin Luther King?
Proud of disenfranchising minorities?
Proud of injustice?
Proud of cruelty?
Proud of buying and selling human beings?
Proud of separating families and sending people “down the river”?
Proud of whips and chains?
Proud of slave ships?
Proud of an economy based on slave labor?
Proud of the torture, mutilation, and murder of Emmett Till?
Proud of daily humiliation of people based on their skin color?
Have some tea.
Conservatives - just pretend Obama's health care legislation is another
unnecessary war and you'll feel better about it.