On 4/4/10 7:13 PM, I am Tosk wrote:
Harry is just mad because I didn't let his sister get her grubby paws on
the middleman money when I made arrangements to pay the hospital bill.
Either way, there is still no good reason to repeat the utter bull****
Harry spews here, thanks. Either way, for Harry to call anybody a
hypocrite is funny beyond belief. The fact that there are folks out
there that will keep coming back to address this asshole while the rest
of us are here every day trying to ignore the asshole, is screwed too.
How would you all like it if I spent the day talking to someone who was
saying the kind of stuff he says about our families, to and about yours
on the internet all day long, every ****ing day?
1. Middleman money. Another of Scotty's delusional lies.
2. The offer of help was made about two years ago, long before your
recent hospital stay, and had nothing to do with a hospital stay. It was
offered to help you get some needed medications at absolutely no cost.
So, that's lie number two in your post. Why you would think there is
"money to be made" helping someone get meds for free is beyond
3. You are an irresponsible, unemployed, unemployable lowlife of a liar
who pretends to be a self-sufficent standard bearer of the Republican
party for reasons that are beyond comprehension. Hey, if you are
disabled and unable to work, just say so, and stop being a typical
teabagger who whines about government and sucks down all of it he can
4. You claim to filter my posts, but you don't. First, I don't think you
know how. Second, you post defenses too often. Third, you don't like
these posts because they pull you up by your shorthairs, over and over
and over and over.
5. See 3, above.