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Jim Jim is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2010
Posts: 134
Default New economic model

Frogwatch wrote:
I have done just what this administration has encouraged me to do, I
have eliminated employees. It simply is no longer worth having them
when the amount of paperwork and worry over all the govt forms is so
great so you just outsource everything. One can have parts made in
India and then contract to have them assembled somehwere else. No
reason to have any US employees at all. All I need to do is collect
royalties and cash checks now. This is the economy of the Obama
No worries about health plans, no worries about workers comp,
pensions, etc, I am free to use my mind to invent instead of doing
govt paperwork. Thank You Mr Obama.
Jobs? What about Jobs? Those are your problem since you voted for
him. I am going sailing, thanks ofr setting me free.
See, I used to think that those of us who could produce jobs were
morally obligated to do so but now I have seen the light. Creating
jobs has nothing to do with me and I can sleep well knowing that I am
not helping any Americans find employment. Jobs are for the govt to
create, not me.
Time to go sailing again.

Good work! Hope you made it clear to the guys you terminated that this
is 'Bamas's fault, and you had no choice.
We can use them in the Tea Party. Hungry men trying to feed their
families make for good and righteous fighters.
But I hope you get involved too, and don't cut and run from the battle.
You're a good American, and the Tea Party can always use a few more good
men. Easy to do your part by looking up your local recruiter, and don't
forget to get your men over there too.
If you just spend your time idly without getting involved in the
"Struggle for America" that's not any better than being a limo liberal.
You've done some good works here, but is too small for a man
of your education, entrepreneurial spirit, and vision.

Jim - Proud of the "Real American Man" that Frog and I always try to be.
Canuck57 too, if we can get him down here.