Your Thoughts for 2004 Cruise?
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Rosalie B.
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Your Thoughts for 2004 Cruise?
(anchorlt) wrote:
I am weighing whether to take boat (Eastbay 43) by truck from near Ft.
Lauderdale to either Chesapeake Bay or to Long Island Sound for
extended summer cruise. Some of my considerations: (1) crowdedness in
good anchorages and in marinas; (2) hurricane damage repair (markers,
changes in depths not newly charted) in Chespeake Bay; (3) relative
merits (not a provacative question!).
I don't know LIS, but I don't think you will have any hurricane damage
problems in the Chesapeake. Our marina restaurant was closed and they
tried to rehab it and eventually decided to scrap the whole thing and
start over, but the hurricane was a blessing IMHO because this was a
waterfront restaurant where you were absolutely unable to see the
water from anywhere.
the depths haven't changed that much. We left from the Potomac
in October, and there was far more damage in NC than there was up in
the MD and VA areas. And even that had been mostly fixed by the time
we got there, except for the Pelican marina fuel situation in
Elizabeth City.
grandma Rosalie
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