Thread: New Boat Owner
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Default New Boat Owner

On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 10:42:04 -0400,
(Dionysus Feldman) wrote:

1. Sharp changes in RPM cause her to veer sharply.

That may be an indication that the bow is trimmed too far down and it
is digging in.

2. I didn't notice a distinct "plane" point, as I have on smaller ski
boats. I don't know if that's a semi-displacement hull talking, or the
size of her or just the way she is. The transition between displacement
and plane isn't clear -- that it, the transition is so smooth as to be

Lack of distinct "plane point" is not uncommon with heavier boats and
a V-bottom but it is usually arounf 17 to 19 knots for a boat of that

3. "Cruise" speed: there wasn't any obvious way to figure out where to
maximize mileage (knotage?). She got up to 3800 RPM and 27kts
(according to fish finder) at WOT, and I've read that cruising speed is
about 65% of RPMs, but she seems to need 3000 RPM to plane, and then
we're only going 17-18 knots.

That engine should turn in the mid 4,000 range if everything is set up
properly and running right. Normal cruising RPMs are 3,200 to 3,400
RPM (about 70%).