Bush for President
On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 17:53:50 -0600, Canuck57
On 15/04/2010 9:28 AM, Frogwatch wrote:
Jeb that is. He was popular in Florida and still is. Am not sure I'd
vote for him, depends on who ran against him. However, just the
thought of another Bush in the White House ought to give some here
ulcers. BTW, he says he isn't interested.
Think we have had enough of Bush and Clinton.
We don't need to let Hilary into the Whitehouse to catch up with her
husband in the personal service department, and quite frankly she is a
ditz for hire.
Bush simply ****ed me off in his last year in office. He should have
publically told democrat congress that bailing out private corporations
is corruption of the taxation system and not in the best interests of
the people. And while Obama is taking debt-spending corruption to new
heights never seen before, it was Bush who started the ball a rolling.
notice how he does nothing but bitch?
bush killed 4400 US servicemen in iraq and he says nothing.
bush spent a trillion in iraq. he says nothing
bush arrested american citzens on US soil and held them for years
without access to council.
and canuck says obama's the evil president