roberts boats
go over to "discussion groups" "boat design" and ask this
question. Roberts designs are not considered any sort of pinnacle.
I am considering purchasing a Roberts 370 for extended cruising
any information on good points / bad points
sailing characteristics etc.greatly appreciated
I have a Roberts designed Mauritius 43, steel hull, center cockpit,
raised poop, cutter-ketch. I am very pleased with the design and the
boat. Roberts designs have a pretty good reputation. But, of course,
whether a particular vessel is a good purchase will depend on how well
the boat was built and also whether the design fits your needs and
tastes. Some people would not like my boat, but I love it (thus the
name). Sorry, I do not have any information specific to the 370.
BTW, Bruce Roberts-Goodson lives in Annapolis and has a web site.
Lee Huddleston
s/v Truelove