Looking out for the wealthiest 2%
On 18/04/2010 9:25 AM, Eisboch wrote:
wrote in message
and you have the density of a black hole. i've been saving in my 401K
since congress created it 30 years ago.
You have not been "saving" in your 401K. You've been placing bets in your
You are betting that your investment will grow based on the performance,
success and work of others.
A 401K plan invested and managed for you or by you in the stock market *can*
produce much higher returns than other investments or savings plans. That,
plus the matching funds that some employers make have made them attractive.
But ... it's still not a guarantied savings plan. There are risks
associated with it. Correct me if I am wrong.
In my world, I haven't and don't invest any more money in the stock market
than that I am willing to lose. I certainly didn't plan my retirement based
on it.
Old fashioned, but it works for me. I am arrogant enough to rely mostly on
my own performance.
I would not call that arrogance, just good old fashioned self worth,
investing in yourself. Good attitude.
Time to ask, is our government serving us or are we serving the government?