Looking out for the wealthiest 2%
On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 15:06:54 -0600, Canuck57
On 18/04/2010 11:30 AM, bpuharic wrote:
notice how the right tells us the middle class DESERVES to get ****ed
because they're not rich BUT that that wall street is composed of
upstanding citizens
****, even alan greenspan doesn't believe THAT bull**** anymore. but
the right does!
Alan Greenspan even admited he is part of why this whole debt mess
f---ed the economy. I would rather pick Ron Paul who predicted it 5
years in advance as congressional debt management was not sustainable.
yep. greenspan sold the entire political class on 'free market'
friedman monetarist economics. it was all bull****
Want to be rich? Change your thinking. It is all about attitude.
Think like a loser, be a loser. Think like a rich winner, get off your
ass and make it happen. All about attitude.
gee. i guess you haven't noticed. what do you think i'm bitching
about? the unregulated free market that trashed this country.
Here is a hint:
Debtors think about how to welsh on debt.
Rich think about managing money.
no. the rich dont think about managing money. they think about
stealing itl
you really are a sock puppet for wall street arent you?