Gingrich - Teabaggers the 'Militants'
On 4/23/2010 7:01 AM, hk wrote:
Newt Gingrich: Tea Party Will Be GOP's "Militant Wing"
Speaking to a 1,000-strong crowd at the Strand-Capitol Performing Arts
Center in Pennsylvania on Wednesday night, former Speaker of the House
Newt Gingrich (R-GA) said that the Tea Party will probably turn out to
be the militant wing of the Republican Party. "Gingrich said the
movement is a 'natural expression of frustration with Republicans and
anger at Democrats,' which is 'more likely to end up as the militant
wing of the Republican Party' than as an independent or third party,"
the York Dispatch reported. Many in the crowd cheered Gingrich
throughout the majority of his speech, which covered everything from
education to unemployment, but they didn't agree with his
characterization of the Tea Party as militant. "The word 'militant'
seems to support recent remarks made by former President Bill Clinton,
which some conservatives have interpreted as a comparison of the Tea
Party movement and anti-government rhetoric that led up to the bombing
of federal building in Oklahoma City 15 years ago," the York Dispatch
reported. Many suspect that Gingrich is gearing up for a 2012
presidential bid, but he said that he hasn't made that decision yet. He
plans to decide sometime after this year's mid-term elections. "It's a
very sobering, daunting prospect," he said.
Militant teabaggers, taking out their frustrations with fellow
Republicans by shooting them...a scenario easily worth a
Faux-News-Sponsored made for TV movie...
Cut and paste krowsie strikes again. Do you ever have an original thought?