On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 18:07:54 -0600, Canuck57
On 27/04/2010 3:46 PM, hk wrote:
On 4/27/10 5:41 PM, John H wrote:
The Republican Party is different.
Yeah. It sure is.
Thank god.
President Bush is a businessman..
A lousy one.
Better than Obama who never owned his own business.
neither did bush. daddy's friend bankrolled his.
But does explain why Obama is sucha dip**** about maters of economics.
ROFLMAO!! who spent a trillion in iraq?
Vice President Cheney is a businessman.
And an unconvicted felon.
Funny, there is a list on the internet of the 2000 congress and criminal
records, about 2/3rds were democrats.
that's because the GOP, being the party of the rich, just writes the
laws so that what the rich do isn't a crime