Verizon HTC Incredible Review, Part the First
On 4/30/10 12:39 PM, jps wrote:
On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 20:52:37 -0400,
More later.
No thanks.
Who the **** are you?
I'm interested to hear more since I have an android phone now and
would like to hear the reaction to the newest entry.
"Larry" is just the latest screen name for Dan Krueger, Dan K, Bob, et
cetera. Different screen name, same old asshole.
The "Incredible," as Verizon has tagged it, has a lot more features than
I'll ever use, but...some of the widgets/apps are useful. As a phone, it
works well. I love the ability to aim the camera at an app online,
"snap" a shot of its barcode, and then autodownload the app.
I don't see a lot of differences of substance between it and the iPhone.
The screen keyboard takes a lot of effort...I assume the Motorola Droid
with its real miniature keyboard is a bit easier.
The Tea Party's teabaggers are just the Republican base by another name.