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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default ping Bruce in Bangkok

Bruce wrote in

The reports of the demonstrations give a totally different picture
then what actually exists. The demonstrations are in a specific,
small, area and the rest of the city goes on about its business with
no interference. For example, I went from the house, in North Bangkok
to China Town, in S. W. Bangkok, yesterday using public transportation
with no more problems (crowded Underground ) then at any other time.

When I lived in Tehran, Iran, from 1977-79, my mother would get her
panties all in a knot worrying about me blowing all to hell when she
watched the stupid American TV tabloid news. She was convinced I was

That would always result in my phone getting me out of bed at 3-4AM,
Tehran Time, because my mother was too simple to realize the Earth was a
sphere, sort of, and I was on the DARK SIDE of it when she was watching
Fox News Zionism telling everyone Tehran was on fire.

"Hullo??" "Oh, hi, Mom." "No, We're all fine...Well I was until you
got me out of bed at 3:30 in the morning." "Yes, Mom. It's 3:30 AM,
here, and the whole city was in bed until you called." "Good night,
Mom. I gotta go to the base and go to work in the morning." "Yes, Mom,
I'll be careful. If I don't get some sleep, soon, I'll probably be
killed falling asleep into the high voltage of the equipment." Yeah,
good night, Mom. We're all fine." (click) Damn, might as well get
up and make some coffee, now.

I threatened to have their cable TV disconnected one time. That slowed
it up for a month or so.

"Good night, Mom." She died in 1999. I'd love to have her get me out
of bed, now, even at 3AM. I miss her awful....Everybody's dead, now,
except me. I'm next!

Creationism is to science what storks are to obstetrics.
