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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Anybody here who has MaxSea working under Windows 7 64-bit?

Bruce wrote in

No hand phone, or just the old "number's only" cell phone?

USA nationwide service on Verizon Wireless' most complete system, the
best of the best in the USA.....

50 cents per month user fee + 3.6 cents per minute ($US2.16/hour)
prepaid on MVNO system of Pageplus Cellular. No $4000 phone bills, no
bogus fees and charges noone can explain, no Verizon wienies lying to
you every time they open their mouths. NOONE beats Pageplus for service
and price point.

The numbers on this website need to be updated. It used to cost us
5.3c/min, but $80 PINs now get you 2000 minutes for about $72 with the
discounts Callingmart gives us so the price numbers on the webpage are
too high but the concept works great:

We must buy "something", even if it's only a $10 payment, within 120
days of the last entry. It's as simple as entering the PIN number we
get from We can buy PINs at big discounts when
Callingmart has a sale, then store the PIN on Callingmart until our next
120 days is can store the PIN up to a year on
Callingmart's account to use any time you like.

Noone here beats the price point. Verizon has the finest coverage of
any carrier in the USA and Pageplus uses the same system across the

Yep...."just the old "number's only" cell phone". That's me.

No monthly bill....NO FUNNY BUSINESS....No giving back minutes every
month you don't use, which is crazy.

Last month's cellular service cost me less than $11US

Creationism is to science what storks are to obstetrics.
