Evinrude Model Year?
Mahalo for the info. The 15 is a manual tilt. My cousin's husband passed
away and no one in her family fishes. Subject motors, along with 17' boat,
trailer and all accessories will be donated to the Kidney Foundation.
Mahalo again,
Ken Tanaka
Pearl City, HI
"DJ" wrote in message
"Ken Tanaka" wrote in message
OMC uses a code involving the word "introduces". Each letter of
corresponds to a number (I=1; N=2 .... E=9; S=0). Plug that into the last
two characters of the s/n and you'll have year. For your 15, there is an
"M" after the EN. I don't know what that stands for, but it's not part of
the year number - maybe "manual" (vs. electric)? I don't know.