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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Anybody here who has MaxSea working under Windows 7 64-bit?

Bruce wrote in

Over here you just go down to the market and buy a "wok". I have no
idea what the largest size made is but a 26 incher is right off the
shelf. Works a treat but my wife doesn't think that they create a
suitable ambience hanging on the living room wall :-)

What could be more beautiful than a microwave dish pointed at a really
nice, really fast wifi hotspot?

If you want to fool around with a wok, point it at the sun and take a
piece of paper and find its focal length, where the sun focuses and
burns a hole in the paper. Sorta measure the distance from the center
of the wok to the paper (without burning your fingers, please). At that
distance from the wok, which we may assume is sort of a truncated
sphere, point the open end of the pringle's cantenna into it and rig up
a coathanger wire mount to hold the pringle's cantenna in position,
running the coax up the vertical wire to the top of the dish before
routing it away to the computer.

This increases the capture area from the hole in the end of the
pringle's can to an effective hole the size of the outer diameter of the
wok, the bigger the better. It's NOT a good idea to point this beast at
any nearby wifi radiating transmitters as it may blow the receiver front
end out of the computer. Don't blame me, in other words.

This is a powerful antenna, now, and you wifi transmitter has now become
nearly a ray gun. I'm not sure how much gain that would have but I'd
bet it would be in the 30db area. The pringles cantenna is narrow
enough that it would receive very little back radiation from around the
edges of the dish, so if the dish is kept in the shade, not in the sun
cooking eggs, the thermal noise floor would be quite deep, increasing
its effectiveness even more. Now you've got a small S-band point-to-
point microwave antenna any woman should be proud to display to her
astonished friends on the couch....(c;]

Try not to burn any holes in the wall or irradiate the neighbors' kids.

Religion is to reality what homeopathy is to medical science.
