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Dazed and Confuzed
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Default opinions sought for full-time cruiser Tools and Spares selection

Steve wrote:

On my previous boat I made a canvas 'rollup' pouch for the combination
wrenchs and a similar one for the screw drivers and pliers. Before I put the
tools into these pouches, I soaked the canvas in light oil.. The objective
being to prevent the canvas from absorbing any water or moisture..

Worked fine, even with the set of larger wrenches stored for a year or
longer without being opened..

I have been gathering a set of combinations (both metric and inch), sockets,
gasket punches, locking pliers, needle nose, dykes, lineman, channel locks,
various size cresents, C clamps, electrical tools, drill bit set to 1/2",
hole saw set, hack saw, screw drivers, nut drivers, drill motors to 1/2",
center and drift punches, torque wrench chisels, easy out set, tap and die
set and the list goes on.. Most of these tools I already have in my home
work shop, but rather than rob that collection, I went to Harbor Frieght and
purchased the better quality of their 'cheap' tool line..

As you can see, I'm a tool freak and don't leave home without them..

s/v Good Intentions

Get a set of magnetic trays for holding screws/nuts, etc. Cheap and worth every
penny. Also a couple of GOOD worklights.


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