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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Anybody here who has MaxSea working under Windows 7 64-bit?

Len wrote in news:08ecb758-f5bf-4ce7-a073-

On 2 jun, 00:46, Larry wrote:
Len wrote in news:de4faa89-476d-416c-87b8-

I tried to install MaxSea on a new laptop with W7 Home
Installation went fine but it won't run.
Anybody here who found a solution?


Why in hell would anyone buy a new 64-bit Win7 laptop to replace a
perfectly-good-working WinXP (or whatever it was) laptop that MaxSea ran perfectly under?

Is there a motive I missed??

It's just a simple story about a laptop reaching the end of its
technical lifetime...
After the screen quit I used a stand alone screen on the vga output.
After the CPU fan began screeming I carefully greased the bearings.
After the keyboard started to give in I replaced that. They are quite
standard, I noticed.
After random stopping and complete and spontaneous restarting I
started to think about a new one.
I now invested 599 dollars in a blazingly fast laptop with a super
16:9 screen that hopefully will last again for 6-7 years...
The only problem was this Windows 7 not running my MaxSea.

In the mean time I discovered that MaxSea does run under
Windows 7 Starter Edition without doing or changing anything.
Virtual PC solved my problem under Windows 7 Home Premium. For those
who are interested: Virtual PC runs on all W7 platforms, excluding the
most basic one.
There is no need to upgrade to Pro or Ultimate or whatever, even if
Microsoft says so.
The proof is on my table...

Regards, Len.

Ah, I see....sorry.

Watch the FULL video. I dare ya! Shechitah barbarians!
