A $20 Billion down payment...
On 16/06/2010 1:12 PM, Harry wrote:
...for cleanup and damages, pluse $100 million immediately for oil patch
workers out of work, plus no limits on future payments, plus no immunity
for court cases...
And if Bush and Cheney, the oil guys, were still in charge?
No more than the $75 million cap, the taxpayers would pick up the rest,
and we'd be overpaying Halliburton et al for ****ing up the cleanup.
But...froggy and his daughter might get work out of it...
I think it is much more simple.
BP foreign.
Exxon American
GM American
Toyota Foreign
Obamer is just doing the old bully trick.
Bet the CEO for BP gets fired shortly. I am not a shareholder, but if I
was, I would torch the CEO... He should have, behind closed doors told
Obama o shove it. Forced marist Obama's hand.
Worst that happens, is BP (USA) goes down the toilet, BP World lives on
and they have nothing to do with marxist USA.
Taxation, modern day slavery. The loss of economic freedom.