Thread: New Boat Owner
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Dionysus Feldman
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Default New Boat Owner


"Dionysus Feldman" wrote in message
She's a 1977 Sea Ray 240 SRV, which is an enclosed cockpit with a cuddy-
type berth. In the catalog they call it a "sedan" boat (catalogs are
available from Sea Ray back for quite some time). She has a new bilge
pump, steering cables, the baffles are very recent and only 321 hours on
her. Her 255 Mercruiser passed a compression test.

I owned an 1974 SRV 240 Weekender with the 351 merc for 7 years.

Things we found:
1. Sharp changes in RPM cause her to veer sharply.

Check the leg for looseness.


Um... what's a leg? and which leg?