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Ian Ian is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 71
Default May a "landlubber" comment? - was[ Help create better charts]

On 5 July, 20:55, Bruce in alaska wrote:

Most of the yahoos

Do you think you could try to steer clear of personal abuse, please?
It doesn't help the discussion.

who advocate this non-standard Field
Data Collection, have little or NO CLUE, how the Big Boys do it, and how
the results are correlated into modern Charts.

No, we don't care. Or rather, we know that it would be nice if UKHO
resurveyed the who of the UK coastline to modern standards, accept
that this isn't going to happen - particularly at the resolutions and
in the places most useful to yachts - and will cheerfully accept less
rigorously derive information on the basis that it's better than

There is a long and noble tradition of crowd-sourced surveys here. I
have a set of Clyde Cruising Club sketch charts which were put
together over decades from the contributions of hundreds of yachtsmen.
They remain by far the most detailed information available in many
