Once again, the military establishment proves...
Harry ? wrote:
...it is out to **** us all...forever...
General George Casey, the Chief of Staff of the Army, said today the
United States could face another "decade or so" of persistent conflict
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In two months, the U.S. will have been at war in Afghanistan for nine
- - -
These whores will do anything to stay in uniform.
So? Should we surrender and convert to Islam or what, because the fight
is too long for your liking?
Are you doing the fighting???
Just like the Drug addicts, Hippies and fifth columnist did to Viet Nam,
Cambodia and the whole of Southeast Asia.
How many millions, of lives did Congress's surrender, cost those people.
Your mantra why win when we can surrender? America';s proper place is
crawling on its belly begging the Muslims to leave us alone???
Whinny ass, hide behind Mama's apron bunch of socialists!
As much as we hate war and don't want any of us to die, it ain't gonna
happen. Like the Bible says there will be wars and rumors of wars til
the end of time.
Wishing the Hitlers, Stalins, Mao's, and Muhammad's, of the world will
go away don't work.