Once again, the military establishment proves...
"Wayne.B" wrote in message
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 20:51:51 -0700, "nom=de=plume"
Giving honest opinions is not conducive to a long career in the
So, when a President asks for an honest assessment of a military
the general should lie? I believe that a general has already had a "long
career" in the military, and he or she should be valued for his/her honest
Giving an assessment is not the same thing as offering an opinion.
So, when a general goes before Congress and is asked a direct military
question and gives his honest answer, he should be forced out? That's what
Bush did.
An assessment is a highly structured process based on underlying
factual data and probability analysis.
Nice word parse, but the fact is that the military opinion is what we're
talking about.