Once again, the military establishment proves...
wrote in message
On Wed, 14 Jul 2010 08:52:11 -0700, "nom=de=plume"
The only reason you say that is because he says things you agree with,
same for Rush and his listeners.
No. I say that because one lies on a regular basis. The other doesn't lie,
and he corrects his mistakes
That is just your opinion. I have seen him take things out of context
and present them in ways that make them untrue. You don't see it
because you agree with him, again, the same as a Rush listener.
No, I don't "agree with him" on everything. And, yes, there's a difference.
As I said, an example?
They are both polarizing figures who would rather be controversial and
get ratings than to be objective reporters. They both take themselves
far to seriously as do their fans.
Yes, they're polarizing figures. But, Rush just lies and lies. His "fans"
are called ditto heads. They do and think what he says. No so with Olbermann
fans. They think he's entertaining, but no everything he says is considered
as fact.
If you want to see where our deep divide comes from, it is these hate
It is BY FAR weighted from the right on the hate side. Faux spreads the lies
on a daily basis.
A third of the country thinks MSNBC lies and a third think Fox lies,
the rest don't pay a lot of attention to either of them. Put me in the
latter category. "News" has become less fact and more opinion over the
last couple decades and that is particularly true of cable news. CNN
may be the pick of the litter but it is still not the objective news
outlet Ted Turner created.
Some of these shows are just road runner cartoons.
It's not a matter of thinking someone is lying vs. whether or not they are
actually lying. Facts can be checked.