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Wayne.B wrote:
On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 14:35:36 +0100, (Steve Firth)
You seem to have been attempting to claim that GPS cannot be jammed
Incorrect. I am claiming that it is unlikely that GPS is being jammed
by the Cuban government.
Not to dis Wayne, but MANY Governments that are NOT Allies with the USA,
have purchased GPS Jamming Technology, from the Russians, for the simple
Paranoid Reason, that they can turn it ON, and it will keep some of our
Lower Tech GPS Guided Munitions from hitting their intended Targets,
should we feel the need to go to War with them.... Most of the more
Modern Guided Munitions now use other Primary Guidance Systems, and GPS
is only a Backup Slave System, that can be set to be compared with the
Primary System.
These same Governments, test these Systems regularly... Our own
Government DOES protect MANY of our most important Federal AREAS, using
similar Technologies, for the same reasons. GPS is great, but it is NOT
the One Size Fits ALL Munition Aiming System....
Bruce in alaska
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