Raymarine A70 problems
On Jul 23, 5:14*am, "Meindert Sprang"
"Larry" wrote in message
Isn't it ironic we're still fighting RS-422 nonsense on one talker
serial buses in 2010 when the rest of the electronic world has forgotten
all this nonsense and moved on.
Your idea is great and I'm darn sure that 1000's of other people, in or
outside the industry, have thought of this. Have you ever wondered why
everything isn't wireless yet?
I agree with Meindert. I'd add to his list of challenges interference,
both internal and external. Internally, there are lots of shared
consumers on the same frequencies as wifi. Can you imagine the
scenario in which the autopilot can't find the GPS for heading data
every time your cell phone rings and your bluetooth headset goes off?
Or how about boats jockeying at the start line in a race where someone
else's instruments may be closer to your readout than your own? Not so
I'm not sure that any particular flavor of serial is the right answer,
but I do think wired is the way to go. I have never understood why
Ethernet isn't the obvious answer. Perhaps I'm missing something.
On Auspicious I do have a wireless remote autopilot control and a
bluetooth connection from laptop to printer. Everything else (sans
cell, VHF, and HF SSB) is wired. Except when I'm pulling wire through
conduit (*grin*) I prefer it that way.
sail fast, dave