Rate of Sailors killed in Afghanistan
On Jul 29, 9:52*am, Mark Borgerson wrote:
What was the rate of the two sailors? * I have seen them
described only as "petty officers" * Were they SWOs (SEALs)
or some other rating there in support of special warfare
operations? * *
Mark Borgerson
A cook and a snipe. No they were not seals or SWO's. Just TAD to the
from the Airforce times
By Philip Ewing - Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Jul 28, 2010 22:23:08 EDT
The Pentagon on Tuesday released the identities of the sailors
captured and killed by the Taliban on Friday in Logar province,
Afghanistan, after they left the capital, Kabul, for reasons that have
not been publicly clear.
Missing is Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Jarod Newlove, 25, of Renton,
Wash., a reservist, who is believed to have been abducted by Taliban
fighters. Officially he has been listed as “Duty Status Whereabouts
Killed was Hull Maintenance Technician 2nd Class Justin McNeley, 30,
of Wheatridge, Colo., from the San Diego-based Assault Craft Unit 1.
He died in what is believed to have been an attack on his and
Newlove’s armored sport utility vehicle. NATO troops found McNeley’s
body on Sunday after a massive search, which included reward posters
featuring photographs of both men.