Aloha Chuck,
I believe DJ meant model number but typed s/n instead. I'm pretty sure the
88 HP is a 1994 because my cousin said they bought it in the mid-nineties.
MY 9.9 hp Evinrude (J10RLEER) was purchased new in '99. Don't know what the
"R" stands for and why the "J" when the cowling says Evinrude. They must
have taken the cover of the "E" & placed it over the Johnson. Now my 70 HP
4-stroke Evinrude (Suzuki) m/n E70PL4SI has a stamp with 06/2000. Until
now, I thought it was a 2000 model (purchased February 2001).
www.NADAguides has it listed as a 2001. Boat serial numbers has set
positions for the year manufactured so using digits would have been easier
to decipher.
Ken Tanaka
Pearl city, HI
"Chuck Tribolet" wrote in message
It's INTRODUCES alright, but not on the serial number but rather on part
of the
model number. I have a model E90ELEUA, s/n G12345678 (I don't
remember the exact numbers, but it begins with G and the rest are
The EU indicates a 97 model. I'm not sure how you tell which letters
to use, but it looks like the sixth and seventh. But that doesn't work
the 88 HP example. Maybe in that case CE=89? Ah, maybe the two
letters following L? That works for all three examples.
1 I
2 N
3 T
4 R
5 O
6 D
7 U
8 C
9 E
0 S
Now, why they couldn't have used E90EL97A, I dunno.
Chuck Tribolet
Silicon Valley: STILL the best day job in the world.
"DJ" wrote in message
"Ken Tanaka" wrote in message
Can anyone tell what year are these o/b motors by their model numbers?
Nothing on the motor shows the year manufactured.
Evinrude 88hp: E88MSLCER
Evinrude 15hp: E15RLENM
According to, the 15hp "E15RLEN" is a 1992 model.
Ken Tanaka
Pearl City, HI
OMC uses a code involving the word "introduces". Each letter of
corresponds to a number (I=1; N=2 .... E=9; S=0). Plug that into the
two characters of the s/n and you'll have year. For your 15, there is
"M" after the EN. I don't know what that stands for, but it's not part
the year number - maybe "manual" (vs. electric)? I don't know.