Logic question
On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 20:28:11 -0700, Canuck57
25 million American unemployed.
At least $1.6 trillion debt spend this year. (but some say more is actual)
That is $64,000 per unemployed person.
Where is the money really going? I mean this seriously! As Obama does
this for 4 years, that is more than a quarter million dollars per
it's the racist assumption that obama has something to do with this
that's risible.
obama is, hopefully, doing the responsible things; re-regulating wall
street (done); allowing some of the bush giveaways to the rich to
expire (biggest factor in the deficit), etc.
the racist right just thinks the darkie pres is responsible.
Obama lining rich peoples bird cages with solid gold and diamond plates?
yeah. i suppose that's why he imposed regulations on wall street that
the GOP fought...and the GOP is fighting to preserve tax cuts for the
rich even though we have to BORROW money to pay for them