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Default And the winner is...

I'd like to make one comment about Tayana's in general. There are
hoards of them here in SEA and one thing I've noticed is that while
they are overall good boats I do notice that quality controll seems to
be a bit weak. I don't mean that some have big holes in the hull while
others don't, rather that some have nicely fitted paneling in the
saloon (for example) and the next one you are aboard is a bit less
well fitted.

I would suggest that you try to get aboard as many 37's as you can and
compare them. Then you can better evaluate the one you fall in love
with (maybe even use the comparison to argue the price down another
buck or two).

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 11:14:01 -0600, "Wendy"

the Tayana 37! I've not posted anything recently as I have been involved in
research, dock walking, broker talking, price-trend analysis spreadsheeting,
and a bit of sailing as well. Anyway, I have located a few of these boats
in the area, and have looked some of them over exhaustively. There's
another one privately offered I have not seen yet, and there is one on the
east coast I would like to look at as well. There are loads of these boats
available (there were quite a few built) and I expect the market will change
before I buy, so I am not fixated on any one boat at this moment. The
design fits my needs (ok, wants) better than any other in the $80K price
range- it is comfortable, exceedingly well-built, and supported by a great
owner's network. Now I just gotta get my hands on the money...



(reply to k4556[at]inet[dot]co[dot]th)