Time for the right...
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 13:07:35 -0400, Harry ?
...to take up a collection for Oily Orly
Supreme Court upholds 'birther' sanction
(AP) – 2 hours ago
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has upheld a $20,000 fine against a
leader of the movement challenging President Barack Obama's citizenship.
The high court on Monday refused to block a federal judge's October 2009
ruling that required California lawyer and dentist Orly Taitz to pay the
$20,000 fine for filing a "frivolous" litigation. The judge said Taitz
attempted to misuse the federal courts to push a political agenda.
Taitz sued in Georgia federal court on behalf of Army Capt. Connie
Rhodes. Rhodes sought to avoid deployment to Iraq by claiming Obama
wasn't born in the United States.
Justice Samuel Alito on Monday rejected Taitz's second request to block
the sanctions. Justice Clarence Thomas had rejected the request earlier.
Bloody luntic woman birther. What genetics, parenting, life events
are required to synthesize such a sorry excuse for a human being?
Is she mentally unstable? Chemically imbalanced?