By the way...
John H wrote:
On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 12:29:54 -0500, Jim wrote:
I agree again. People are allowed to bitch all they want. I personally don't
think the building of the mosque at that location is going to smooth the
feelings of the American people.
You seem to think the Imam head of the mosque is a great guy. What Bush did is
beside the point. I think he's an asshole, regardless of how well the FBI and he
get along.
I don't like Imams, Priests, Pastors or Rabbis as a general rule, so I
don't know where you got the idea I think he's a great guy.
GWB liked him and as far as I know the FBI *still* likes him.
Sort of runs counter to him being a terrorist in disguise.
That was my only point about him.
But, that's just my opinion. Probably has as much or more foundation than yours.
I do like your idea of outlawing Islam, especially the 'outer edge' versions.
Sometimes we agree. Most of the time I just think you're somewhat verbose. But
that's OK. You've got the right.
Outlawing Islam in the U.S. is an option for whoever wants to take it
up. Good luck.
John H - nothing cute to add.
Jim - Cute addition.