On Aug 18, 6:17*pm, Jack wrote:
Thought you might like this little tidbit…..
Under direct orders from President Obama, the USAID will now
contribute $36MM to train 3000 IT workers in Sri Lanka! *That’s right,
Sri Lanka!
Under a separate program, they will also partner with local services
to help additional trainees brush up on their English so they can
operate in US OUTSOURCED call center support. *US Companies will get
tax and other incentives to use these call centers!
The overall OUTSOURCING Program (again separate from the original IT
training) is part of a larger US INITIATIVE to CREATE 10,000
Let’s see if I have this right … BHO pledged to retain more US high
tech jobs in the IT, Biological Sciences and Green Energy. *And now,
he has pledged to CREATE 10,000 of these jobs in Sri Lanka!
Nice move when those 10,000 jobs could do a lot of good in this
Do we not have a ready supply of workers here in the US that could
take advantage of this training to learn or advance their IT skills in
Enterprise Java Programming, Business Process and Call Center work?
I wonder how many other “Initiatives” have been pledged to the myriad
of other countries to OUTSOURCE or SURPLANT US JOBS?
Just thought you would like to know who's really screwing the "middle
In case you want to call BS...