"nom=de=plume" wrote in message
"Harry ?" wrote in message
"Jack" wrote in message
Here's a good quote from the article:
"Then there's this head-scratching detail: In an absolutely outrageous
move last Christmas Eve, President Obama signed off on $42 million in
bonuses for the top 12 Fannie and Freddie executives, including $6
million apiece for the two CEOs."
Frank is a typical Washington scumbag. Perhaps one of the worst.
They will turn whichever way the political wind is blowing. Did I miss,
in the article, where he apologised to the poor folks he put out of their
homes. Did I miss where he poo poo'd those that were concerned in 2005
that Freddie and Fannie were headed for big trouble. He needs to be put
out to pasture.
I'm the real Harry, and I post from a Mac, as virtually everyone knows.
If a post is attributed to me, and it isn't from a Mac, it's from an ID
spoofer who hasn't the balls to post with his own ID.
Yeah, he's horrible. When he makes a mistake he admits it. Nothing like
those upstanding right-wingnuts who would never admit they were wrong.
An assshole like that should never have been put in charge of anything that
could impact so many lives. Your birth was a mistake. Did your parent/s
admit it? Don't answer. We don't care. You are such a doofus.
I'm the real Harry, and I post from a Mac, as virtually everyone knows.
If a post is attributed to me, and it isn't from a Mac, it's from an ID
spoofer who hasn't the balls to post with his own ID.