Little Aid Forthcoming for Pakistan?
On 8/22/2010 2:00 PM, Secular Humanist wrote:
On 8/22/10 5:50 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 8/22/2010 9:52 AM, Secular Humanist wrote:
There's a pretty lively discussion going on at KOS about the fact that,
relatively speaking, little aid is flowing to Pakistan to help with that
country's disaster relief.
Yep, billions on military and nuclear weapons. But no money for the
people. Do you think the Muslims will thank the west?
Speaking of which, has other Muslim nations ever helped their own? We
are in Canada and the US in debt up the wazoo and Pakistan only owes $50
billion give or take.
Don't we have some of our own problems that could use the money such as
a few decaying and unsafe bridges? Or perhaps some corruption to
Frankly, I think most of the military expenditures on our recent foreign
adventures have been and are a waste of money.
I would agree. If we didn't go into Iraq, Saddam might have had anotehr
war with Iran to kill another 500,000 - but better them fight each other
than our people spilling blood for their feuds and cult.
When we finally leave Iraq, no matter when it is, even if it is a decade
in the future, the country will become a shambles and civil war will
break out.
Bet it will revert in less than a year, just like Vietnam.
The same is true of Afghanistan.
Yep. Heroin will flow as soon as the fields yield a crop.
In the end, we will accomplish nothing in either country, no matter how
much we waste there in terms of personnel and money.
Pakistan is another corrupt failed state and always will be. As is
Yep. US and Canada are suckers in providing aid as it is also a route
of smuggling of weapons that kill our soldiers.
I support the idea of humanitarian aid when and where it is needed, so
long as it is clearly marked in the appropriate language, "A Gift from
the People of the United States of America." I support the idea of using
our military troops to deliver humanitarian aid.
Send food and materials clearly marked "Humanitarian Aid USA" with the
Red White and Blue. Might as well get credit. Let them know who
helped. And deliver it directly or not at all. None of this middle men
Is government working for you, or are you working for the government?