wrote in message

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 00:20:15 -0700, "nom=de=plume"
I don't think we're spending $790B defending against China. It's a bit
complicated than that.
It is still far too much money. We are spending 100 billion dollars a
year in a country with a GDP of $27 billion trying to kill 40 guys.
How does that make any sense?
Bob likes to complain about Iraq but at least we toppled a dictator
who threatened Israel. I am not sure we have done anything in
Afghanistan but create more terrorists and destabilize Pakistan.
There's no way to equate the two situations. We spent $1+ trillion and
counting in Iraq. One is a war, the other is just a waste of money.
Which is which? I understand Saddam is gone but Bin Laden is still
?? Not sure of your point. Iraq was a war of choice that cost us $1+T, not
counting the 100000s of ruined/lost lives. How does that equate to a few
missiles targeting China?