Any idiots...
On 8/27/2010 7:37 AM, Secular Humanist wrote:
...planning to attend the Racist Rally?
The Return of the Know-Nothing Party?
When Glenn Beck takes to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial Saturday—the
anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech—he will
not be flanked by any leading Republicans. The GOP's officeholders
either weren't invited or sent their regrets, and the Washington Post
says "operatives at virtually every Republican committee in Washington
claimed little or no knowledge of the event" (which Beck is billing as
an heir to Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, MLK, the moon landing, etc.).
Beck's rallies aren't known for drawing the most politically correct
posters, and his plan to "reclaim the civil rights movement" for his
followers gives Republicans what the Post calls "cause to be squeamish."
Beck has insisted that the rally isn't political, but inviting Sarah
Palin to co-host your event doesn't exactly scream "apolitical." Whether
the signs come out or not, Democrats are expecting it to be a very
camera-friendly event, and they have no intention of letting Republicans
declaim knowledge of or relationship with the Tea Partiers. "The event
itself will shine a bright light, once again, on hysterical right-wing
zealots and their bizarre leaders," says Steve Benen, who is worried
about Beck's mental state. "The party that's been taken over by the
extremists is feigning ignorance." "Republicans for well over the past
year have firmly embraced the tea party and some of these right-wing
fringe groups that Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin have rallied around," one
Democratic spokesman said. "The fact that they're trying to plead
ignorance is just completely absurd."
- - -
I wonder if Herring will be there. He's a fan of Beck's and...a white
I'd go if I lived up there. Beck is a true American and represents us
white folks.