New Jersey refueling question......
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New Jersey refueling question......
On 14 Sep 2003 02:42:17 GMT,
reg (Gfretwell) wrote:
I schlep every drop of gas I use (no marina nearby) and it isn't that bad a
deal, especially considering I save $1.75 to $2 on each can.
If you do fuel at the dock, buy a big funnel.
Just a little care tipping the can and you will never spill a drop.
I am considering a fuel trailer tho. I saw a cool one the jet ski operator at
Doc' s on Bonita Beach built. It has a real fueling hose and nozzle, 12v pump
and solar charger for the battery.
If you have an outboard with external tanks, wouldn't it be easier to
bring 6 or 12 gallon OB tanks down to the dock with a hand truck?
West Marine has 25 gallon "gas caddys" with integral wheels and a pump
but they seem a bit overpriced to me.
My boat doesn't get all that far on 25 gallons anyway.
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