"Gunner" wrote in message

On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 05:09:33 GMT, "Calif Bill"
What is really scary, other than your IQ, is that no WMD's were found!
Where did they go? IS a known fact he had them, even your beloved
believed the fact, especially the proven fact he used them on his own
as well as Iranians. Which country is the holder of the weapons now?
scary fact is that zero has been found. Means that there was a very
complete transfer out of the country.
The word is, there were a large number of military and civilian
tractor trailer rigs, loaded, crossing into Seria and Iran weeks
before the war started, and returning empty. And they were heavily
guarded. Saddams bullion? WMD? No one knows, yet.
Great, now the right wing PNAC loonies are going to march the USA into
spending 180 billion a year on Syria and Iran!
And they still won't find any WMDs.
Mark Browne
P.S. Time for a regime change in Washington!