About Americans...
On Sat, 11 Sep 2010 17:19:58 -0400, I am Tosk
Well, it's the time of year to post this again... I wrote this back in
2001 a few days after watching the attack. I remembered one particular
wide shot from above that showed the towers and in the background, the
Statue of Liberty and I just started writing...
About Americans
After the events of the last week it would be easy for me to hate. But
because I am an American, I can't let that happen.
In so much of the coverage, in so many of the pictures, there she is,
Lady Liberty standing proud, calling to the masses, and crying for her
God bless New York, strong and proud, the most diversified city in the
world. You have shown us a strength, brotherhood, bravery, and
determination that exemplifies the best America has to offer, you are
indeed the most deserving caretakers of our precious, Lady Liberty.
i was in NY after 9/11 with the US Coast Guard. the finest character
of america shone through in those darkest hours. we are a proud
nation, deservedly so.
i dont think i ever realized how much i loved this country until that
time. and i have never forgotten that lesson