Is it worth it?
On 9/11/2010 9:24 PM, Steve B wrote:
I am going to go through my Lund, and put a triangular wood deck on the
front, and at various locations throughout the boat. More for the Chris
Craft look than functional. I presently have a sheet of off the rack 3/4"
plywood that would do all of these. I would stain, and seal with
Will the 3/4" standard grade AB plywood last? Or should I go to marine
grade? I even thought of playing with it, and buying cedar and going for
the On Golden Pond look, which I must admit is tempting, as cedar is not
expensive, looks great and weathers better than plywood.
Suggestions? ...........
PS: Sor
ry go clog the NG with a boat related post, but there seems to be a
12.5% category of boat posts here ............ ;-)
Don't be tempted to "get by with it" "it is just as good or almost as good."
Do it right the first time. Measure twice, or in my case four or five
times and cut once.
it's you boat paint it purple with polka dots if it makes you happy.
ifn your wantin to impress others well.......