Thread: roberts boats
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Default roberts boats

On Wed, 04 Feb 2004 05:38:09 GMT, (Lee
Huddleston) wrote:


BTW how much and where did the builders "stretch" your Mauritius 43?

Lee Huddleston
s/v Truelove

Sorry for delay in response - can't believe it's been three weeks
since I last looked at the groups.

Hinewai was built in New Zealand back in '85 and she's basically a 45'
- we tell our marina she's a 44 since at 45ft the cost goes up -
thankfully, they've never noticed the Aires at the flat end.

The build with the steel is great - professional done - but the first
owner obviously followed the mast plan religously - measuring back
from the bow. This meant the mizzen ended up in the cockpit - about 1
ft from the wheel.

Living the good life here in Oz meant this was not the most
comfortable helm position for me (although my swelvt wife had no
problems) so we moved the mizzen back onto the top of the stern cabin.

That said, it's been the only issue on the stretch. We had the usual
early Roberts issue with down wind sailing so moved the rudder back
and added a bit in size. That done, she sails like a dream - easily
handled by the two of us.

And, as I said, while I respect JAX's views, frankly, she's the right
boat for us.

We're currently fitting her out for a circumnaviagtion - would welcome
any feedback, suggestions, thoughts, experiences from Truelove.

Our e - mail's peterk[remove this bit aimed at stuffing spammers]at


"Do not measure your life by the number of breaths you take,
Rather by the number of times life just takes your breath away"