In article GJZ8b.442022$o%2.199341@sccrnsc02, Mark Browne
"Gunner" wrote in message
The word is, there were a large number of military and civilian
tractor trailer rigs, loaded, crossing into Seria and Iran weeks
before the war started, and returning empty. And they were heavily
guarded. Saddams bullion? WMD? No one knows, yet.
Great, now the right wing PNAC loonies are going to march the USA into
spending 180 billion a year on Syria and Iran!
And they still won't find any WMDs.
Al Qaida was never the real problem...Afghanistan was!
Whoops. Afghanista was never the real problem...Iraq was!
Whoops. Iraq was never the real problem...Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and
Jordan are the _real_ problems!
We dare not mention Saudi Arabia, as they are our most important ally
in the region. Besides, they don't let women vote or drive, they ban
Xtian and Jewish churches...they are true "compassionate
conservatives." Our kind of people. The fact that 17 of the 19
hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and _none_ came from either
Afghanistan or Iraq means nothing. The fact that three Saudi
princelings were the main money source for the hijackers means nothing.
Saudi Arabia is our friend, so we will invade and occupy their enemies.
While they laugh. And prepare for the next attack on the infidels.
--Tim May