John Gaquin wrote:
"Mark Browne" wrote in message
Hypocrisy Seen in U.S. Stand on Iraqi Arms
Mideast: Officials say .....
Now there's a reliable source....
"Mark Browne" wrote in message news:by%
Sounds good to me; it does dovetail rather nicely with what I have
personally experienced when traveling in the middle east.
Did all your cab drivers and busboys assure you that there were no NBC
I, too, have spent a substantial amount of time working in the mid-east,
including Irag, Iran, and Afghanistan. There is no doubt in my mind that
there has been connection between AQ and most of the countries in the
region. There is also no doubt in my mind that there will never be any
proof of same.
Let's see...
No provable connection to the terrorist network...
No weapons of mass destruction...
No proof Iraq was involved in 9-11...
No Osama...
And we're spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in Iraq that
would be far better spent in the U.S., or, even to help the truly
impoverished people of the world...
Wow...we're sure lucky we have a smirking chimp in the White House.
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