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Default Advice about '68 Newport 30'?

A quick look at says this is a good price if there is nothing
terribly wrong. Like sails or structural. I used to have a Newport 30, and
they are fun and easy to sail. Good small cruiser for a week out or coastal
cruising. Or PHRF racing. Very popular still on the West coast where they were
DSK wrote:

Stephen Trapani wrote:

Hi, sorry to just drop in, but I think I can get a 1968 Newport 30' for
under $7000. I grew up sailing my dad's Blanchard 33' in Kaneohe Bay,
and between the HI islands, so I can sail, probably rusty, but anyway,
assuming I get a survey and nothing terrible is wrong, the Atomic 4 is
recently rebuilt, tiller, Autohelm, decent electronics, shore power, a
few other things, any particular big reason I shouldn't buy it?

I think the open market value for this boat may be less than you think. Has
the boat been offered for sale, and if so, for how long and what offers has
it attracted?

It sounds like it's fairly well equipped, and an owner who outfits the boat
with good gear probably does reasonable maintanence too (although this
logic can lead one far astray).

Do not overlook the sails, the standing rigging (which is due for it's
third replacement) and the running rigging... these are high dollar items,
and to replace all three will run more than your $7k.

Getting a survey is a very good idea.... and a thorough sea trial. All that
nce equipment is not worth much if it does not actually work (and you'd be
shocked at how common that is).

And, oh
yeah, I don't have much more than that to spend. What do you think the
boat will be worth in ten years?

First, you tell me what the rate of inflation will be over the next ten

Any guesses?

With an Atomic 4 engine, approximately zero.

Not to sound a discouraging note, but please don't maim your finances to
buy a 36 year old sailboat. You will put the purchase price into it again
over the next few years, an have nothing to show for it but fun. My sincere
advice would be to spend 10 ~ 25% less on a smaller boat that will be
cheaper to keep & maintain, and will be 99% as much fun.

Fresh Breezes- Doug King